
Ihya 'Ulum al-Din - Imam al-Ghazali (5 vol.)

€ 60,00 € 40,00

Ihya 'Ulum al-Din - Imam al-Ghazali (5 vol.)

€ 60,00 € 40,00

The Shaykh and Imam, the Proof of Islam, Abû Hâmid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazâlî, may God have mercy upon and be pleased with him, stated: '' Thank God for all His bounties; for even enabling us to thank Him; and prayers and peace be upon the Master of Messengers, Muhammad, His Prophet, Mes­senger and Servant, upon his Family and Companions, and upon his successors after him, his Ministers in his time. I missed, in some of my travels, a facility for extracting from the Ihyâ ulûm ad-dîn its essences, due to the difficulty of carrying it around with me, on account of its bulk. Hence I tackled this matter, seeking success and guidance from God and praising His Prophet. It consists of forty chapters. And God guides to the truth. ''

Sharh of Imam Ghazali's Ihya 'Ulum Al-Din Including Takhrij (verification) of the hadith. The Lavish Gift of the Godwary Masters & Commentary on Imam al-Ghazali's 'Revival of Religious Sciences.' It contains the most comprehensive documentation of the hadith narrations cited by al-Ghazali. The author provides Sharh (Commentary) and detailed takhrij (verification) of the hadith that al-Ghazali quotes in the Ihya Ulum in depth, much more than al-hafiz al-`Iraqi (d. 806 /1404) does in his al-mughni 'an haml al-'asfar fil al-'asfar fi takhriji mafi al-Ihya' min al-akhbar. Al-zabidi mentions that al-hafiz al-iraqi intended to write three versions takharij of the hadith of the ihya' only the shorter version was the only one that was completed. The longer version of the takhrij was only completed up to book 7 -Mysteries of Pilgrimage. Al-zabidi claimed to have one copy of this work in which he used in his ithaf (c.f. 1:p123, 312) where he mentions al-takhrij al-saghir and al-takhrij al-kabir (the smaller verification and the grand verification- respectively).

“Sharh Usul 'Itiqad Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah” of Abi al-Qasim 'Abdullah al-Lalika'i is one of classical and epic compilations that comprises the detailed creed of the true Salaf. In this article we want to provide some information about the book and the veracity of its ascription to its author, Abi al-Qasim 'Abdullah al-Lalika'i.

Excellent 7 volume book on the branches of the religion of Islam written by Husayn ibn Muhammad al-Hilli al-Shafi'i

This book contains Significant excerpts on different topics from Shah Waliullah Dehlavi's masterpiece, Hujjat Allah al-Balighah.

Hujjat Allah al-Balighah is one of the master works of Shah Wali Allah of Delhi, an important Muslim thinker of pre-modern South Asia. This work originally written in Arabic  represents a synthesis of the Islamic intellectual disciplines authoritative  in the 18th century. 

In order to argue for the rational, ethical and spiritual basis for the implementation of the hadith injunctions of the prophet Muhammad, Shah Wali Allah developed a cohesive schema of the metaphysical, psychological and social knowledge of his time. This work provides an extensive and detailed picture of Muslim theology and interpretive strategies on the eve of the modern period and is still evoked by numerous contemporary Islamic movements.

In this Book Shah Wali Allah discusses matters of belief to social structure, from politics and statecraft to economy, from legal and juristic concepts to philosophical and metaphysical ideas. He addressed himself to the needs of this world but at the same time did not forget to respond to the requirements of ultimate success in the Hereafter.