'Abdullah bin Mahmud al-Mawsili own Commentary on his book entitled Al-Mukhtar Lil-Fatawa 'Ala Madhabil Imam al-'Azam Abi Hanifah, with further contemporary notes by Abul Latif Muhammad abdul Rahman.


Majd al-Din Abu al-Fadl Abdullah bin Mahmud bin Mawdud Mawsili. (599-683). Born in Mosul Iraq. He was a Qadi in Basra He wrote a commentary on his own book called al-ikhtiyar li-ta‘alil al-mukhtar which is published. 

Abd al-Hayy Lucknawi says that these two books are reliable according to the jurists.

'Abdullah bin Mahmud al-Mawsili own Commentary on his book entitled Al-Mukhtar Lil-Fatawa 'Ala Madhabil Imam al-'Azam Abi Hanifah, with further contemporary notes by Abul Latif Muhammad abdul Rahman.

Majd al-Din Abu al-Fadl Abdullah bin Mahmud bin Mawdud Mawsili. (599-683). Born in Mosul Iraq. He was a Qadi in Basra He wrote a commentary on his own book called al-ikhtiyar li-ta‘alil al-mukhtar which is published. 

Abd al-Hayy Lucknawi says that these two books are reliable according to the jurists.


Jami' al-Masanid - Imam Abu Hanifa (2 vol.)

€ 20,00 € 15,00

Jami' al-Masanid - Imam Abu Hanifa (2 vol.)

€ 20,00 € 15,00

Abū Ḥanīfa al-Nuʿmān b. Thābit, known as Abū Ḥanīfa for short, or reverently as Imam Abū Ḥanīfa by Sunni Muslims, was an 8th-century Sunni Muslim theologian and jurist of Persian origin, who became the eponymous founder of the Hanafi school of Sunni jurisprudence, which has remained the most widely practiced law school in the Sunni tradition. He is often alluded to by the reverential epithets al-Imām al-aʿẓam ("The Great Imam") and Sirāj al-aʾimma ("The Lamp of the Imams") in Sunni Islam