Kitab al-Ikhtiyar li Ta'lil al-Mukhtar - 'Abdullah bin Mahmud al-Mawsili (2 vol.)

€ 35,00 € 22,50

'Abdullah bin Mahmud al-Mawsili own Commentary on his book entitled Al-Mukhtar Lil-Fatawa 'Ala Madhabil Imam al-'Azam Abi Hanifah, with further contemporary notes by Abul Latif Muhammad abdul Rahman.


Majd al-Din Abu al-Fadl Abdullah bin Mahmud bin Mawdud Mawsili. (599-683). Born in Mosul Iraq. He was a Qadi in Basra He wrote a commentary on his own book called al-ikhtiyar li-ta‘alil al-mukhtar which is published. 

Abd al-Hayy Lucknawi says that these two books are reliable according to the jurists.