Book on the subject of the history of Islam written by Dr. 'Abdul 'Aziz al-Humaydi 

Book on history written by Muhammad Tahir al-Kurdi al-Makki


Fath al-'Alami - Muhammad al-Hajjar (5 vol.)

€ 60,00 € 40,00

Fath al-'Alami - Muhammad al-Hajjar (5 vol.)

€ 60,00 € 40,00

Beneficial book on the conquest written by Muhammad al-Hajjar


Hadir 'Alam al-Islami - Amir Shakib Salin (2 vol.)

€ 25,00 € 16,00

Hadir 'Alam al-Islami - Amir Shakib Salin (2 vol.)

€ 25,00 € 16,00

Book written on the history of Islam by Amir Shakib Salin

Taqi al-Din al-Fasi al-Makki his largest and most important work, and probably the largest in the field of Meccan history, where he compiled the biographies of Meccans from the early days of Islam up until his time.

Excellent book on the history of Islam written by Dr. Ahmad Muhammad Nur Sayf

An Andalusī traditionist, historian and jurist, Ibn Bashkuwāl is known mainly for his biographical dictionary Kitāb al-ṣila fī taʾrīkh aʾimmat al-Andalus

'Umar Rida Kahhalah said in the introduction to this book: No offense that if the researcher wants to search in Arab women, or Muslim, he finds a serious obstacle does not overcome it only if he stayed for some time, prospecting in the stomachs of the printed and manuscript travels, perhaps he will win his students and realize his need And this is not a smooth demand easy for everyone who asked for it, but it must be embodied in the search hardship is indispensable, if he returned to the ''flags of women in the world of Arabs and Islam'' which I offer to the speakers… And I have tried my best effort in Searching and searching for as many famous women as I can gather, who have immortalized in the Arab and Islamic societies And no civilization, literature, art, politics and cunning, and influence, and the Sultan, and righteousness and benevolence, righteousness, religion, and asceticism and piety which reveals the different roles that women spent in the Arab history and Islam.