
Al-Tafsir al-Wasit - Wahbah Al-Zuhaili (3 vol.)

€ 40,00 € 25,00

Al-Tafsir al-Wasit - Wahbah Al-Zuhaili (3 vol.)

€ 40,00 € 25,00

Al-Wasit's Interpretation Book is added to the interpretation of some of the verses of the Qur'an mentioned in Al-Munir's Interpretation.

It contains explanations of the meaning of words that are important, necessary, and difficult. Simultaneously it is stated directly for the great reasons in his interpretation.

Thus, these three interpretations are almost identical to each other, but they differ from the point of view, as well as something that leads to the exploration of some of the words and phrases that are sometimes accompanied by important grammar (i'rab) methods.

This interpretation has special features from the perspective of simplicity and detail at the same time. It also deals with introductions to specific groups of verses and makes them one particular topic.

An amazing work and yet necessary for students in Quranic sciences. Shaykh Muhammad al-Dhahabi provided a lot of research and compilation around the Tafseer, the various existingTafseer and the different streams, and various Mufassirun and theiraffiliations in terms of Aqeedah.

This work is a veritable encyclopedia on the subject that covers widelythe subject, which the author modestly apologized for having made a summary work because the subject is huge. As his work covers Tafsir since the era of the Sahaba to this day, and cover all the Islamic currents.

Tafsir al-Baghawi also known as Ma'alim at-Tanzil is a classical Sunni tafsir (Qur'anic exegesis) by Husain bin Mas'ud al-Baghawi, written as an abridgement of Tafsir al-Tha'labi. Scholars like al-Khazen, Ibn Taymiyyah and al-Kattani spoke highly of this Tafsir – and described how devoid it was of weak Hadith. The book was printed many times in India and Egypt; it was ordered to be printed along with Ibn Kathir’s Tafsir in one volume by Sultan `Abd al `Aziz ibn `Abd al Rahman al-Faisal. 


Tafsir al-Qur'an - Abu al-Mudhaffar al-Sam'ani (10 vol)

€ 120,00 € 80,00

Tafsir al-Qur'an - Abu al-Mudhaffar al-Sam'ani (10 vol)

€ 120,00 € 80,00

The Tafsir of Imam Abu al-Mudhaffar al-Sam'ani, the great Imam of his time, in the most complete edition.

Here is a famous of 'Abd al-Rahman ibn Muhammad al-Razi, on the common methodology of the first generations


Tafsir al-Qur'an al-'Adhim - Ibn Kathir (2 vol.)

€ 25,00 € 18,00

Tafsir al-Qur'an al-'Adhim - Ibn Kathir (2 vol.)

€ 25,00 € 18,00

This is the Tafsir by ibn Kathir, among the most known and appreciated, that every Muslim must possess. It has been said: "This is a very useful book in the field of commentary on the Koran-based traditions. It is the more trusty, even though it rarelyaddresses aspects of grammar and eloquence of discourse."


Tafsir al-Qur'an al-'Adhim - Ibn Kathir (4 vol.)

€ 55,00 € 40,00

Tafsir al-Qur'an al-'Adhim - Ibn Kathir (4 vol.)

€ 55,00 € 40,00

This is the Tafsir by ibn Kathir, among the most known and appreciated, that every Muslim must possess. It has been said: "This is a very useful book in the field of commentary on the Koran-based traditions. It is the more trusty, even though it rarelyaddresses aspects of grammar and eloquence of discourse."

The Tafsir of Imam Abu Layth al-Samarqandi, the great Imam of his time, in the most complete edition.

Beneficial work of the commentary on the Qur'an written by Zayn al-Din al-Razi

Book written on the sentences of the Qur'an by Dr. 'Abdul Sabur Sahin


'Ilal al-Wuquf - Abi 'Abdillah al-Sajawindi (2 vol.)

€ 17,50 € 12,00

'Ilal al-Wuquf - Abi 'Abdillah al-Sajawindi (2 vol.)

€ 17,50 € 12,00

Detailed book on the noble Qur'an written by Abi 'Abdillah al-Sajawindi in 2 volumes


Safwah al-Tafasir - Muhammad 'Ali al-Sabuni (3 vol.)

€ 50,00 € 35,00

Safwah al-Tafasir - Muhammad 'Ali al-Sabuni (3 vol.)

€ 50,00 € 35,00

Great work on the Tafsir of the Qur'an by Muhammad 'Ali al-Sabuni. Shaykh Muhammad ‘Alī al-Sābūnī was born in the city of Aleppo in Syria in 1930. His father was one of the senior scholars of Aleppo. He received much of his initial and formal education in Arabic, inheritance and sciences of religion from his father, Shaykh Jamīl. He memorized the Qur’ān in the primary schools and completed his higher secondary school while still young. Shaykh al- Sābūnī studied under some of the leading scholars of the city.

The Tafsir of Al-Qinnawji (d.1307/1890), considered the father of the Wahhabi/Salafi in the Indian subcontinent.


Rawa' al-Bayan - Muhammad 'Ali al-Sabuni (2 vol.)

€ 20,00 € 14,00

Rawa' al-Bayan - Muhammad 'Ali al-Sabuni (2 vol.)

€ 20,00 € 14,00

A specific Tafsir of the verses in the holy Qur'an pertaining to the commandments, derived from  the most reliable classical & contemporary Tafasir, in an original and contemporary style, with a collective tendering of the resources of fuqaha and the statement of the legislative wisdom. 

Among the simple contemporary Tafsir and recommended by several Shuyukh for beginners, including Ibn Jibrin there is Aysar at Tafasir by Abu Bakr al-Jazairi.

Sheikh explained first words and complex expressions then generalexegesis and then the lessons and rules to remember.

Both editions that we offer are printed with permission from the author.

An excellent commentary on the reasons of the ten, written by 'Abd al-'Aziz Mustafa


Hashiyah Muhiy al-Din - Shaykh Zadah (4 vol.)

€ 75,00 € 60,00

Hashiyah Muhiy al-Din - Shaykh Zadah (4 vol.)

€ 75,00 € 60,00

Hashiyah written on the Tafsir of Baydawi, written by Shaykh Zadah

Book on the meanings of the Qur'an written by Abi al-Hasan Sa'id ibn Mas'udah 


Mukhtasar Tafsir ibn Kathir - al-Saybuni (3 vol.)

€ 35,00 € 28,00

Mukhtasar Tafsir ibn Kathir - al-Saybuni (3 vol.)

€ 35,00 € 28,00

The Qur'an is the revelation of Allaah's Own Words for the guidance of His creatures. Since the Qur'an is the primary source of Islamic teachings, the correct understanding of the Qur'an is necessary for evry Muslim. The Tafsir of ibn Kathir is the most renowned and accepted explanation of the qur'an in the entire world. In it one finds the best presentation of Hadiths, History, and scholarly commentary.   



Fath al-Qadir - al-Shawkani

€ 12,00 € 8,00

Fath al-Qadir - al-Shawkani

€ 12,00 € 8,00

Finally the famous Tafsir of Imam Ash-Shawkaani entitled Fath al-Qadir. This Tafsir is highly recommended by our contemporary scholars it contains particular linguistic and grammatical explanations of verses.


Qasas al-Rahman - Ahmad al-Humsi (3 vol.)

€ 35,00 € 25,00

Qasas al-Rahman - Ahmad al-Humsi (3 vol.)

€ 35,00 € 25,00

Book written on the topic of the Qur'an by Ahmad al-Humsi in 3 volumes.


Tafsir al-'Ushr al-Akhir - Ibn Kathir

€ 10,00 € 7,00

Tafsir al-'Ushr al-Akhir - Ibn Kathir

€ 10,00 € 7,00

A concise work derived from the Tafsir work of Ibn Kathir