Al-Fasl fi al-Milal wa al-Ahwa wa al-Nahl - Abi Muhammad 'Ali ibn Ahmad al-Dhahiri (5 vol.)

€ 55,00 € 40,00

He was an andalusian jurist, theologian, philosopher, and author of one of the first Muslim works on comparative religion. Popularized the Zahiri literalist school of theology. Opposed the allegorical interpretation of texts, preferring instead a grammatical and syntactical interpretation of the Quran. Granted cognitive legitimacy only to revelation and sensation. Considered deductive reasoning insufficient in legal and religious matters. Held that the legal principle of consensus (ijma) was limited to the community of Muhammad 's Companions. Advocated a return to reliance on tradition (hadith) and opposed the principles of imitation (taqlid), analogy (qiyas), judgment in the public interest (istihsan), and giving reason (taaqqul). Influenced future theologians as well as mystics such as Ibn al-Arabi .