Sharh al-Imam bi al-Hadith wa al-Ahkam - 'Abd al-'Aziz al-Sa'id (2 vol.)

€ 25,00 € 18,00

This work has been edited and published by numerous scholars and publishers throughout the centuries with perhaps wrong title, confusing it as a commentary of his other smaller work; al-Imam fi Ma'rifat al-Ahadith al-Ahkam. It is obviously not the case as the author does not stipulate himself whether this is what he intended.

In this unique work the author compiles the book in a fiqh fashion with its chapters commencing at-Tahara. He fellows the following method
- He mentions a Hadith then proceeds to the collectors as well as their transmitters, be they the companions and those that followed.
- Then he mentions the strength of the Hadith.
- Sometimes he will mention why he chose that specific Hadith and its reasoning.
- He will then explain or clarify slightly about difficult wordings in the mentioned Hadith.
- Sometimes he will also delve in to the Arabic lexicon and or grammar structure of certain wording.  
- The learned lessons and or beneficial aspects of the Hadith.
- Much of his peers and other scholars opinions will be covered in the chosen Hadith.
- He deduces the opinions of the Madhahib then proceeds to explain certain positions.


All in all, this is immense work that has was left uncompleted by the Imam reaching up to the Chapter of Wudhu and its conditions. This entire five volumes is basically only the Tahara.