Minhaj al-Salikin - 'Abd al-Rahman ibn Nasir al-Sa'di

€ 15,00 € 10,00

Path of the Wayfarer, an English translation of the Arabic book, Minhaj al-Salikin, a book on Hanbali jurisprudence. The book is famous among the circles of Islamic studies in jurisprudence in the Middle East. The book was written by the author for the purpose of acquainting the reader with the jurisprudence rulings on matters that pertain to his religion. Although, the book is largely based on the Hanbali School, the author did not strictly adhere to all its rulings.

If he found a stronger opinion with another School, he would adopt it and place that within his work. The book was written in a simplified manner, choosing only the opinions that he deemed to be the strongest along with their evidences, irrespective of the School of Thought it belonged to. It is an excellent book for a beginner as well as those who are more advanced in the subject. The books works as a guide for those who wish to study the subject matter.

Shaykh Abd ar-Rahman b. Nasir as-Sa'di was one fo the foremost prominent scholars from the Arabian Peninsula. He was born in the city of 'Unayzah, Saudi Arabia, in the year 1309 AH (1885 CE). He began studying Islam at an early age. He excelled in his studies to such an extant that his fellow students asked him to tutor them; thus, not only was he a student, but he was also a teacher at the same time. He studied various Islamic sciences and disciplines from some of the leading scholars of that area, as well as some famous visiting scholars. He authored many works, which are in print today. Shaykh as-Sa'di passed away in the year 1376 AH (1956 CE) at the age of 69, and was buried in the city of 'Unayzah.

Shaykh Abd ar-Rahman as-Sadi